Sunday School & Adult Forum @ 9:00 am Sunday Worship at 10:00am ******** Sunday Service Live Streamed on Facebook and YouTube
Televised Service - TSC Cable, Channel 2 • @ 10:30am (1 week delay) • @ 7:00pm
All of us are indebted to the past, to those who proceed us. We drink from the wells we have not dug. We enjoy liberties we have not won. We share faith with whose foundations we have not laid.
At the same time, we are seeds of the future, for those who succeed us. We dream and envision and set things in motion. The fruition of our decisions will be known only to others whom we will not meet. We are called to partner in faith with those who have gone before us and to offer the best that we have to give to those who will follow.
Please consider a gift to one or more of the following endowment funds:
This Fund was established in 1983. Donations to this fund are used directly for larger projects in the Church. The Memorial Fund Committee meets periodically to review requests for funding.
Breaking Bread was established in 2009. Donations to this fund are used directly to buy food and supplies for a weekly free meal. This meal is free and open to everyone in the community.
This Fund was established in 1993. Donations are used directly at the discretion of the Pastor.
Donations to this Fund will support our kid's activities including Church Camp and other youth events.
This Fund was established in 1988. All donations are deposited in safe investments and are never disbursed. Only earnings are spent annually for projects beyond our local Church. Past recipients include Agape Ministies, county fair gospel tent and Waynestock.
This Fund was established in 1923. All donations are deposited in safe investments and are never disbursed. Only earnings are spent exclusively for the maintenace of the building and property. Since its inception, this fund has generated more than $400,000.00 in income.
All donations to these funds are deposited in safe investments and are never disbursed. Annual earnings are disbursed to applicants based on the recommendations of the Scholarship Committee. All Church members are eligible to apply for money up to four times.
These four combined funds (Steva, Kohler, Mary Louise Stienecker, and St. Paul's UCC) have generated an average of $7500.00 per year for recipients' awards. In
addition, the Schulhoff loan fund allows applicants to apply for a one-time $1000.00 load for college expenses.
A bequest is a gift through your will or revocable trust that enables you to retain the asset during your life and provide significant support when you no longer require the asset.
Contact us today to set up your donation!
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
201 N. Perry Street
St. Marys, OH 45885
Phone: 419-394-3811