Sunday School & Adult Forum @ 9:00 am Sunday Worship at 10:00am ******** Sunday Service Live Streamed on Facebook and YouTube
Televised Service - TSC Cable, Channel 2 • @ 10:30am (1 week delay) • @ 7:00pm
*Consistory meets every second Wednesday of the month 6PM
2025Church Officials
President of Consistory - Marsha Landers
Vice-president of Consistory - Diane Gayer
Members of Consistory
Elders: Susan Braun, Diane Gayer, Tom Knous, Jane Laird
Trustees: Larry Kill, Kyle Opperman, Glen Hadley
Deacons: Carol Gehres, Marsha Landers, Becky Rasawehr,
Ruth Knous, Lynn Schmidt, Ted Fox, Jason/Andrea Clark, Jean Smith